Resources for smoking cessation

Today is the day to quit


Quitting smoking can be one of the most difficult things a person does in a lifetime. Successfuly quitting smoking however, can lengthen life and improve the general quality of life. To help you quit, COPDGene® has listed several free resources that offer evreything from telephone support, to nicotine suppliments. Please remeber to also talk with your doctor to get help and design a personalized quit plan that works for you. is intended to help you or someone you care about quit smoking.Different people need different resources as they try to quit. The information and professional assistance available on this Web site can help to support both your immediate and long-term needs as you become, and remain, a nonsmoker.


Center for Disease Control - Quit Smoking

For support in quitting, including free quit coaching, a free quit plan, free educational materials, and referrals to local resources


Colorado QuitLine

Whether you are thinking about quitting tobacco or have already quit, the QuitLine is here to help you.